9:00 AM - 6:00 AM

26 July 2024


1540 Bunning Rd., Mount Helena

Fundamental applications

Join us for a relaxing weekend at the Theosophical Society Retreat Centre in Mount Helena focusing on embodying some of the principles and practices around High Performance Ageing (HPA) Movement Template.

HPA is a mindful practical and functional approach to movement that can be practiced as a moving meditation that has a beneficial effect of cultivating physical and mental resilience. HPA aims to maximize our health and vitality and minimize unnecessary wear and tear on the body and mind over the course of your life.

Fundamentally HPA is a mindfulness practice the cultivates proprioception and interoception calming the body and the mind. Everyone can practice, the approach is inclusive and safe.

Cost for 2 days: $110 members - $145 non-members

Cost for 1 day: members free (cost for lunch $20), $60 non-members

Fees include accommodation and vegetarian food is available.

Register in the Theosophical Library or email the Organizer

by Friday 22nd July.

The notional agenda for the week end will look like this.....

Saturday morning registration

7am - Shibashi warm up for the day.

9am Saturday - High Performance Ageing, Resilience and the basic concepts associated with the I Liq Chuan Movement Template, it's about feeling. Organizing and activating the Facial lines. Filling the body, proprioception and interoception.

2pm Saturday - Applied Qi Gong energetics including absorb and project and condense and expand.

7pm Saturday - Some short You Tube clips and discussion. The fallacy of stretching, why connecting to your centre and strengthening your range of control is a better for longevity.

7am Sunday - Shibashi warm up for the day.

9am Sunday - Applied Slow Yoga energetics, it's how you feel, not how you look.

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